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Key Learning Points and Assessment Test


Key Learning Points
Key Learning Points
  • Both asthma and COPD are chronic inflammatory lung pathologies, whose therapy is determined on the basis of the severity step of the disease.

  • The classification of severity levels of the diseases is established by evaluating patients’ lung functions and symptoms.

  • Treatments are designed on the basis of a stepwise approach therapy which directly correlates to severity: whenever the severity of the disease would increase, patient therapy should be correspondingly raised (step-up phase), in the pursuit of achieving disease control.

  • While in the management of asthma, once obtained optimal disease control, maintenance therapy should be titrated down to minimal effective doses to decrease the incidence of side effects (step-down phase), in COPD no step-down approach is possible, due to the relentless progression of the disease.

  • The most important classes of controller medications in asthma and COPD management are ICSs (Inhaled Corticosteroids) and LABAs (long-acting β2-agonists). However, these drugs are taken by asthmatic and COPD patients following a diametrically opposite progressive order. In particular:

    • In asthma, ICSs can relent the inflammatory process underlying the disease: they represent therefore the first line therapy, and LABAs, which should never be used as monotherapy, are added to an ICS treatment only in moderate/severe stages of the disease, when asthma control cannot be achieved anymore with ICS alone;

    • In COPD, since for the time being no disease modifying therapy are available, bronchodilators including LABAs represent the cornerstone of therapy, by producing bronchodilation and alleviating symptoms. ICSs do not affect the inflammatory component of COPD, but, in late stages of the disease, when added to a bronchodilator therapy, contribute to symptoms and exacerbations control, patients health status and lung functions improvements.

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